Sunday, October 11, 2009

Above is the link I used to research a physical trainer’s occupation.

            Physical trainers work for their clients, which are either a group of people or individuals.  They are responsible for looking out for the physical well being of their client or clients, and should be able to assess several different things about their clients.  Physical trainers must be versatile, and capable of successfully completing tasks.  This article has a good list of job requirements of a physical trainer, the list is as follows,

“A few things personal fitness trainers do include:

      Motivating clients and team members

      Assisting clients in breathing exercises

      Identifying specific training needs

      Applying first aid procedures

      Constructing instructional programs

      Leading various recreational activities

      Monitoring and communicating client progress

Demonstrating each physical activity”

“Motivating clients and team members”                                                           When I want to be, I can be a really positive person, but I know that it is just as easy to have a negative attitude when it comes to sports.  The years of experience I have had with sports have taught me how important confidence is to the success of the athlete.  I am by no means a master of confidence.  I can get really down on myself very easily when I play tennis.  I do recognize the importance of being motivated to play well though, and think that I could do a good job at motivating others to do their best.

“Identifying specific training needs”                                                      I am, and have been for as long as I can remember, a very analytical person.  I am constantly over thinking situations that require far less thought than I tend to give them.  I think that I could be good at “identifying specific training needs” because I could put my analytical mind to work at discovering special needs a client, or clients might have.

“Applying first aid procedures”                                                               This is where some science would come into the job.  Now I know that the first aid knowledge required by a trainer probably varies from job to job, and that in many cases, first aid knowledge requirements is probably minimal.  But it does incorporate some science into the job, and probably wouldn’t require me to be able to do a whole lot more than basic first aid procedures, which would be good, because I am not very interested in being a doctor because I am a squeamish person.

“Constructing instructional programs”                                                      This aspect of the job would let me, again, use my analytical nature to be successful.  I think that I would like making personal instructional programs for others because I would feel good about helping people make and achieve goals that could be reached through personalized training programs that I would make.  I also think that making personal programs would be interesting for me because I like being organized, and if I had a different program for each client, being organized would be an absolute necessity that I could feel good about maintaining.

“Leading various recreational activities”                                                      In many cases I like taking leadership roles.  I don’t foresee a problem with this aspect of the job, because I am able to take charge of certain situations, and set things in motion.

“Monitoring and communicating client progress”                                             I think that this relates to the “constructing instructional programs” part of being a physical trainer.  This part of the job would allow me to be organized and feel good about the goals I am helping clients reach.

“Demonstrating each physical activity”                                                       I don’t think that I would have a problem with this part of the job, because I like physical activity.

 After reviewing the job requirements of being a physical trainer, I find myself still genuinely interested in pursuing something of this nature.  One thing about being a physical trainer that appeals to me is the fact that this job would allow and even require me to be active.  I think this job could be really good job for me, and as of now, being a physical trainer is close to the top of my list of potential occupations.

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